joshua tree artist's residency . . .
2008: Artist's Residency, Joshua Tree Highlands House, Joshua Tree California
view of joshua tree national park
studio painting, july 2008
chroma acrylic on gessoed hardboard
6 x 12 inches
collection of joshua tree highlands house
drawn and painted on location: 4-7 p.m., tuesday july 8, 2008
transparent watercolor on 140 lb portofino watercolor paper
about 3 x 8 7/8 inches
field notes:smoke haze from forest fires low in sky, no breeze, all very still and quiet in the intense, baking july heat.
drawn and painted on location: drawing 8-10:30 a.m. tuesday (forgot my paints!), painted 8:00-9:30 a.m. wednesday july ... 2008
transparent watercolor on 140 lb portofino watercolor paper
about 3 x 8 7/8 inches
field notes:heat haze starting to rise from sandy ground, creating quiver in air to half way up trees; slight breeze, warm. quiet. grasshoppers, lizard scurrying under easel and hawk spiraling above, calling.
drawn and painted on location, july 2008
transparent watercolor and gouache on watercolor paper
drawn and painted on location, 8 am to 1 p.m. friday july 11, 2008
transparent watercolor and gouache on watercolor board
5 x 15 inches
field notes:cloudy and damp, slight breeze. paper slow to dry in the humid air. birds active in brush and grasses around me.
drawn and painted on location: 9:30-11:30 am, saturday july 12, 2008
transparent watercolor on 140 lb portofino watercolor paper
drawn and painted on location: finished about 7:15 p.m., monday july 14, 2008
transparent watercolor on smoother back side of 140 lb cold-pressed watercolor paper
3 x 16 3/4 inches
field notes:hot, slight breeze. roadrunner passes then lurks in the shade of a creosote bush. evening view to the east in the pinto basin from near silver bell mine. shadows and light painted about 6:20, finished about 7:15.
drawn and painted on location, wednesday july 16, 2008
transparent watercolor on 140 lb hot-pressed watercolor paper
9 1/2 x 16 1/2 inches
field notes:from highlands house backyard, towards east at sunset. drawn 4-6:00, painted 6-7:45; finished in the studio. sounds of coyotes and quail; cooling air dampening from sundown and distant storms.
drawn and painted on location, july 2008
transparent watercolor and gouache on watercolor paper
drawn and painted on location: some very hot afternoon in july 2008
transparent watercolor on 140 lb watercolor paper
4 5/8 x 9 inches
drawn and painted on location, july 2008
transparent watercolor on watercolor paper
about 5 x 20 inches
example sketchbook pages from joshua tree residency
sketchbook page
sumi ink on cream paper
about 5 1/4 x 8 inches
notes: drawn on site, painted in the studio due to heat. post office should be to the left
sketchbook page
graphite and watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: drawn and painted on site, hidden valley picnic area joshua tree national park, june 30 2008 monday. from table under scrub oak. 102 degrees in the shade at 11 am, gusty breeze keeps flies away but not the bees who are attracted by the paint and water. distant calling of ravens in the rocks i am painting . . . when the face appeared and the bees hit double digits, I called it a day. 10:30-11:30 drawing, sky at 11:30, stopped about 1:30. didn't check the temperature.
sketchbook page
painted on location july 2008
watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: sunsets from backyard of highlands house, joshua tree
sketchbook page
painted on location july 2008
watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: sunsets from backyard of highlands house, joshua tree
sketchbook page
painted on location july 2008
watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: sunsets from backyard of highlands house, joshua tree
sketchbook page
painted on location july 2008
watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: sunsets from backyard of highlands house, joshua tree
sketchbook page
painted on location july 2008
watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: sunsets from backyard of highlands house, joshua tree
sketchbook page
painted on location july 2008
watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: sunsets from backyard of highlands house, joshua tree
sketchbook page
painted on location july 2008
watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: sunsets from backyard of highlands house, joshua tree
sketchbook page
graphite and watercolor on kilimanjaro watercolor paper sketchbook, 140 lb
about 5 1/2 x 10 inches
field notes: drawn and painted on site, hidden valley picnic area joshua tree national park, june 30 2008 monday. from table under scrub oak. 102 degrees in the shade at 11 am, gusty breeze keeps flies away but not the bees who are attracted by the paint and water. distant calling of ravens in the rocks i am painting . . . the the face appeared and the bees hit the double digits, I called it a day. 10:30-11:30 drawing, sky at 11:30, stopped about 1:30. didn't check the temperature.
july 14, 2008
july 14, 2008